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This class is a low impact workout. You will use muscular endurance by focusing on high repetitions and small, isometric movements.

Mindful Motion

This class focuses on increasing your mobility, flexibility, and strength. Flow through various stretches, movements, and exercises to increase range of motion, mind-muscle connection, and muscular endurance. 

Bodyweight Bootcamp

Combine cardio and strength intervals in this total body class. This is a total body class, focusing equally on upper body, lower body, and core exercises. 


Pilates focuses on strength, stability, posture, proper breath control, and flexibility.

HardCore HIIT

This high intensity interval class combines elements of cardio and core movements. This class is sure to get your heart rate up and strengthen your abdomen, low back, and hips. 


PiYo is a low-impact class. Work your entire body through yoga poses and strengthening Pilates movements for a unique and effective workout. 

Power Hour

Strength plus speed equals power. This class provides a mix of resistance training and cardio to give you the total package. 

Sunrise/Sunset Yoga

This gentle yoga class will bring clarity, creativity, and peace-of-mind to your morning! 

SilverSneakers Circuit

Standing upper-body strength work and low-impact cardio using a chair for standing support. 


A Latin-based, interval-style dance fitness party! A total workout combining cardio, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.

Strictly Strength

A full-body, you guessed it - strength only - workout uses dumbbells, resistance bands, machines, etc. to increase muscular strength. 

ZUMBA Toning / ZUMBA + Strength

Toning: This class combines everything you love about ZUMBA with a touch of resistance training. Use light hand weights to target the arms, core, and legs! 

+ Strength: This class starts off with the heart-pumping hits that you love from a traditional ZUMBA class. The second half of class focuses on bodyweight resistance exercises that will strengthen your entire body. 

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